Why Advance Bus & Truck Driving School?

  • ABTDS is a private institution approved to operate by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Approval to operate means compliance with state standards as set forth in the CEC and 5, CCR, California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (as amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. B.P.P.E website
  • Highly qualified male and female instructors
  • Small class sizes. One-on-one focused training
  • Flexible training schedules
  • Quality and industry-standard equipment
  • Class A, B Truck Driving & Bus Driving Program
  • Career placement assistance
  • Employer partnerships

Job or Career

JOB – A place you go to trade your time for money. There is no satisfaction or growth and usually it is a daily miserable experience.

CAREER – Provides you with endless financial potential as well as the opportunity for advancement. It is not limited by location or the type of market and even with challenges it is rewarding.

Let us help you with your new CAREER! We will provide you with the superior skills needed to drive a bus or truck and have a rewarding and lasting career!

The demand for good drivers have never been better. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there will be a need for more than 200,000 new drivers by the year 2016 and beyond.


Give Us A Call To Recieve A No Obligation:

Reach us at 209 939-9494 or click the button below to request online

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Campus Tour

Career planning and pre-employment options

Financial Assistance Information

Veterans Support

Unemployed or Underemployed

Employer Reimbursement Options

Disability Insurance